14 August 2010

tomato art fest, part 2

well, we didn't last long at the festival this morning. millie, in her butterfly sun bonnet, heated up like a little toaster oven ten minutes into the event. it was just too miserably hot to be outside, so we said hello to a couple of friends, swept through the art gallery, and hastily headed for the car.

i decided to go ahead and post the full views of my three art pieces here, now that the official "tomato art show" has happened. but just in case you missed it, the exhibit will be on display at the gallery for another month or so, i believe. i saw a lot of really unique work this year: felted pieces, some very detailed pen & ink, beautiful work by elizabeth foster whose paintings i admire, and lots of great pieces featuring animals and vegetables intermingled. so much talent in Nashville; i'm so inspired living here.

{click to enlarge}...

tomato study
{acrylic & paper on wood}

vine no. 4
{paper & string; acrylic on wood}

farm to table
{paper, ink, acrylic on wood}

13 August 2010

tomato art fest

everyone in nashville is grumbling about the weather. it's a sweltering August in our normally milder city, so i'm observing the seven foot tall sunflowers from inside, through an upstairs window with a view of the garden. their big yellow faces are bent, offering an umbrella of shade to the bountiful tomato plants, all tangled and bursting with red, yellow, and green fruit, some of them splitting open.

a few weeks ago, i plucked real-life inspiration from my husband's vegetable and herb beds by photographing the tomato plants in varying stages of ripeness. i used the images to create three pieces for this year's Tomato Art Festival.

if you are around the east part of town this Saturday (tomorrow!), take a peek inside the Art & Invention Gallery for a robust display of tomato-inspired creativity. we'll be swinging through for an hour or so in the morning and hope to see some friends and fellow tomato-lovers.

12 August 2010

Maybe tomorrow.

ne day, i feel sure, there will be a season when:

-i will no longer need coffee at two in the afternoon.

-we will invite our friends over for dinner again. more than twice a year.

-the tile around my toilet bowls will be clean.

-it won't take me three weeks to return a phone call.

-beds will be made.

-all Cheerios will disappear from crevices, cushions, backpacks, floorboards, rugs, and the inside of my shirt.

[hence, potentially, the ants will all go back outside.]

-i could maybe own a white sofa.

-we might finish a conversation sentence without uttering the words, "just a minute."

-we might finish a conversation.

-the car won't be filled with various twigs (used for killing lions, just in case i happen to see one on the way to the store).

-i will have forgotten the perfect 3:1 ratio of water to apple juice.

-the living room will contain more pieces of furniture than pieces of batman.

THIS is definitely not that season. but i also feel sure that once this crazy, so so so tiring, sometimes overwhelming season ends, i will miss a very many things about it.