So I’m in Houston. I’m just waiting. Watching Felicity reruns and flipping to snippets of Fox News. Why is it that you can ALWAYS find an episode of Law & Order on TV at any time of day? The trees are starting to blow around a little now, and the white butterfly bushes in the front yard are swaying to and fro. Earlier I saw huge blue butterflies dipping down for their last visit before the storm comes. This morning, two hummingbirds were zipping in and out of the hibiscus. Their wings might have been moving a little bit faster than normal, come to think of it.
The mailman did not come today, the chicken. What ever happened to “Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow…”?? It’s not even drizzling yet. Through the slivers of the blinds I can see the clouds rolling along. The sky is actually a pretty shade of pale blue with lemon-yellow clouds.
I’m upstairs in my dad’s office on a little slip-covered sofa that we’ve had my entire life. Next to me is a tall bookshelf with my dad’s medals from Vietnam arranged in a row. He got the Bronze Star for heroism. There’s also a collection of photographs, his tennis trophies, and four autographed baseballs, but I can't read the names.
Downstairs on the kitchen table we’ve got a basket of batteries, two flashlights, a portable television, two radios, and at least eight of those butane lighters ‘cause you can never have too many of those.
The cat just poked her head in at me. Lucky looks like a human. Her face really does… like a tiny person’s face with fur stuck to it. Sometimes it frightens me.
I am actually not very nervous about the hurricane. I think I am going to wait up for her, watch for her out the window (from a safe distance.) And then maybe I’ll sleep in the bathtub.
I’ll let you know how it goes…
p.s. Now the sky is pinkish purple.
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