friday: began with a trip to Target seeking curtains---two for baby, and a thick tapestry one on clearance for some sound-proofing panels Jeremy is making for recording at the house. I'm not sure what it is about Target that I love so much...maybe I’m making up for so many years of turning up my nose at it (as a kid) when my mom wanted to shop there. But we all must agree that Target has also come a looong way since the eighties, and I now love wandering through the aisles of picture frames and decorative pillows.
by afternoon I was taking photos of my pregnant friend Alice at her house. It was a lot of fun (and a new photographic endeavor for me,) though I am finding it more and more difficult to navigate a step-stool suddenly. I am wobblier than I remember being a week ago while stacking clean sheets on a closet shelf.

jeremy headed out to spend the evening with a friend, and left me with delicious take-out Thai noodles and a movie on the sofa.
saturday: we lost our fall chill and dragged flip-flops back out of the closet for a quick morning trip to the Tennessee Flea Market. Trying to stay four steps ahead of the rain, we dashed from booth to booth in search of treasures, and happened upon an apple-green cabinet the perfect size for a changing table. I also bought some vintage blocks and a small white side table for $15.

rain swept in an hour later, once we were tucked indoors. Jeremy headed to his "cave" [he calls it] to craft some songs, and I took his cue and worked on a project [to be unveiled soon.]
the storm brought the indecisive autumn weather back, inside a slow wind that took until Sunday afternoon to fully arrive.
after church: J spent time tending to the garden; I sneaked a few clippings for a kitchen vase. grocery shopping found the usual cart-full of boxes and jars, but I did notice three mini white pumpkins next to the over-ripe avocados. As I bagged them up, I remembered a day last fall when I bought two larger white pumpkins for our porch from the local flower shop. A year passes quickly, and brings with it a flood of memories when you find yourself in that season again.

later, I went antiquing with a friend in search of chairs for her new house, and magically we ended up at--of all places--Target, at the end of our hunt.
things have a way of coming full circle.
Sounds like a perfect weekend! Hope to see you soon!
I love the cabinet, and the blocks, and the last picture - great colors.
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