The thing that has surprised me the most about the end of pregnancy is how very real the “nesting” instinct is. What I expected was a strong desire to organize my closet and maybe bake some stuff. What has happened in reality (along with a sparkling clean refrigerator and three new throw rugs) is the very real notion that I am sitting on a “nest.” It is quite strange and animal-feeling, this urge to hunker down between the comfortable walls of my house and not be bothered until the baby emerges from his shell...to the point that I don't even like it when the mailman approaches our front porch to drop the letters in the box. It's just a little too close.
Speaking of nests, we have finally finished the nursery and I painted a blue tree with three perching birds to overlook the crib. The room is a combination of gifts from parents and leftover furniture that we’ve refurbished, along with the changing table (old wash-stand) we found at the flea market. At first the nursery’s green walls felt a bit too Kermit-the-Frog to me, but now I love the bright cheerfulness of the room and how everything came together. What started out as fabric scraps, swatches of paint, and random bits of artwork (actually wrapping paper and greeting cards) has become a cozy room. Another nest on which to perch. For the few friends who have asked to see a peek at the nursery, here’s a link to photos.
The next time I blog, I am guessing it will be with some sort of announcement that a new little life has entered the earth, most likely followed by a plea for advice on how to change a diaper. But surely I can Google that, right?
I love the pictures of the nursery. It is simply adorable. I think that little guy will be most happy there! :-) Not much longer to go! Love, Ame
LOVE the tree mural! Did you also paint the cute picture of the giraffe and trees? It's SOOO cute Kierst. Love the colors and it seems very cozy . It's neat to see how everything is all laid out in anticipation...
thanks! i copied the tree idea from a magazine, so can't take credit really. and the giraffe/tree painting was done by my mom. she also made his crib bedding, the little rocking chair pads, and the quilt on the big chair. she's been busy!
wow, kierstin....what a cozy, crafty, creative room you've managed to carve out for this new little love of yours! although, i must admit, i'm not at all surprised. i've always loved your colorful and eclectic style :) blessings on you as you anticipate your baby's arrival....and if i may, i will also wish you a short, uncomplicated labor, and a healthy, happy baby! from one delighted mama to another, lauren
I believe you should add interior decorator to your long list of talents... Along with Mom which you will be very soon, and you will be a GREAT Mom! I can't wait to meet the little guy.
yay! a new blog at last!
7 days and counting...he's almost here! whoo hoo!!
that might be the cutest nursery i've ever seen. please submit to pottery barn. it outdoes everyone they have ever done! you may be one of the most talented people i've ever met!
absolutely beautiful. can't wait to see pictures of him!
Wow~ this has de-lurked me! As a soon-to-be new mom as well, I have to say that nursery has inspired me! What an amazingly creative room! We're currently still in an apartment (no paint allowed), but are planning to move over the summer, and that has given me so many ideas for what to do with the "baby's room" we hope to have in a bigger place. Thanks for sharing your pictures!
by the way what camera do you use?
I don't expect your response for a LONG time (if ever), but you've been tagged! See my blog entry "Tag!" for details.
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