01 April 2008

little time.

tumbling clothes [fluffed & folded], breakfast waits [burnt the toast to blackness; ate leftover sweet potatoes & squash instead], so much to be done and not sure where to start...

free windows of years of grime or find blanket storage & declutter the corners?

buy paint for living room walls [will paint tonight--pale powder blue], hang pictures, sweep kitchen, bathe.

spray paint shelf, finish sanding toy box, dust new chairs.

wipe small fingerprints from refrigerator, another sip of coffee.

naptime will have ended by the time i make the list...


jenni said...

I really, really wish I was there to help you. And chat, and play with Eli.

Anonymous said...

My darling daughter.....welcome to Mother/Homemakerhood. Truthfully, it is the most wonderful experience you will ever have...savor every moment.


Sharon said...

hang in there. one day it will be finished! (and then you'll want to repaint it:)

Anonymous said...

Loved your post...reminded me of my crazy days of little kids and lots to do!

One thing you may find helpful, which was advice given to me...

write down one or two things you definitely want/need to get done each day. Thats it. Anything else is bonus! At the end of a week, you can note that 7-14 things got done. What a HUGE accomplishment. Pat yourself on the back, have another sip of coffee, play with Eli...

These are wise woman words, provided by someone much wiser than I.

Julie the coffee lady in Montana.
Ps. Say Hi to your hubby for me.