13 August 2010

tomato art fest

everyone in nashville is grumbling about the weather. it's a sweltering August in our normally milder city, so i'm observing the seven foot tall sunflowers from inside, through an upstairs window with a view of the garden. their big yellow faces are bent, offering an umbrella of shade to the bountiful tomato plants, all tangled and bursting with red, yellow, and green fruit, some of them splitting open.

a few weeks ago, i plucked real-life inspiration from my husband's vegetable and herb beds by photographing the tomato plants in varying stages of ripeness. i used the images to create three pieces for this year's Tomato Art Festival.

if you are around the east part of town this Saturday (tomorrow!), take a peek inside the Art & Invention Gallery for a robust display of tomato-inspired creativity. we'll be swinging through for an hour or so in the morning and hope to see some friends and fellow tomato-lovers.


Robyn Jones Clark said...

loved your previous post.. and did not comment.. but was a beautiful post... and i'm in love with your artwork! wish i could see it in person!

Charlene said...

You are so talented.

Sneak out to the sunflowers and get a few just before dark! I love sunflowers.

Thesupermanns said...

....i LOVE YOUR previous post too....thank you for that....i also love that your art will be at the art fest...we shall be there VERY early 2 beat the heat and catch katy Hutson singing Coal Train music....and will visit your lovely art. i sincerly love how you do that every year.

www.clairestrebeck.com said...

loving these! please let me know if the 2nd one or the last one do not sell! :) (although i'm sure they will!)