08 February 2006

the best medicine.

Today is a good day for coconut bread with pineapple butter.

We have friends staying with us this week, the Hellers from Arizona, and I always like to bake things when we have company. I have just met these new friends, though Jeremy has known them for awhile now, and it’s fun to find a couple that you click with. JJ is from California actually, and those are my people, so I instantly liked her. She has a laugh that’s nice to listen to. It seems genuinely happy.

In the morning, everyone leaves for work. Dave and JJ creep around the house filling cereal bowls and hunting for shoes, and then dash off before nine to the studio where they’re making a record. An hour later, Jeremy is gone too…he’s at a different studio, producing an album. So then it’s just me. I busy myself throughout the day with work, errands, laundry, and such.

In the evening, everyone comes home. We sit down at the old farm table in the dining room and eat dinner together like a family, talking about the politics of America, or marriage, or simple things like music. Afterward, we each find our own spaces, scattering around the house to tend to different things, but it still feels like the house is full…in a good way.

For us, it's been awhile since there has been so much laughter in the house. Normally, when I say something funny, it is only Jeremy who laughs and vice versa. Sometimes a little bit of laughter is just not enough.

But daily we count our blessings. Even in a difficult season, our faith is strong and our marriage is a resting place. Truthfully, I feel as if I’ve turned a corner lately. Life has sprung back.

Last weekend I took photos of Christie’s baby, Elliott, who is almost four months old. He has just begun to smile and baby-giggle. There is so much pure joy in a baby’s laugh. I think I shot over 200 frames of him with his wide and curious wonder. I imagine that my camera looked like a giant, blurry bug’s eye to him, but that didn’t keep him from laughing. And afterward, I felt like I owed him a thank-you.


jenni said...

Please send me the recipe for coconut bread and pineapple butter - thank you.

That picture of Elliot looks almost identical to my brother's baby pictures which is my way of saying Elliot is adorable!

Christine said...

Um, yes, I would like the recipe too, please. Dear goodness!

Elliott is a cutie! He looks like a combo of both his parents!

kierstin said...

here's a link to the recipe:


Anonymous said...

I once visited Jeremy's home (during his high school graduation celebration!) His mother had a picture/plaque on the wall with the image of a mother & child, with a very thought provoking saying of something like this...

The child is looking at it's mother, thinking "I can't wait until I am old enough to tell you how wonderful God really is"...

I really believe babies have that inborn knowledge of the beautifulness of God...Babies laughing for the pure joy of life are a perfect example of that!!