today i ventured to opening day at trader joe's. eli got bagel samples, a balloon & a sticker for his t-shirt. i got kitchen soap, a bag of avocados, arugula, bananas, cheese, soup, pasta, and a loaf of tuscan bread. then home to make a salad & have coffee on the porch. so many leaves falling that i tried to calculate how long it will be before all the trees are empty.
and i keep looking at this photo in disbelief. my friend mandy sent it to me of halloween. i just keep staring at this little boy's face, knowing that he's mine but wondering who he is at the same time. he looks so grown up to me. today i taught him how to say shoe.

I think Houston needs a Trader Joe's.
Eli does look grown up! I am still in love with that sock monkey costume, too. :)
He's super cute!
yep, its official..ELi is ADORABLE. Your writing always makes me smile and feel part of your adventures. YEAH for Trader Joes....and affordable wine.
it isn't until you have a child that you can truly understand the phrase
"where has the time gone?"!
Kiddos put it all into perspective.
oh my goodness...i love this picture! he is growing so fast :) i miss you eli!
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