I went to visit my friend Amy in the hospital this week after she gave birth to her son Braxton. Holding that teensy baby in my arms, I couldn't believe Eli was ever that small. Before I was a parent, I would hear people talk about how fast their children grow up, and I always thought they meant it in a figurative way...kind of like saying that time flies, even though it actually just ticks along at the same rate for everybody. Now I see that it's really true...Eli is changing SO quickly right before my eyes. One day he is smiling. The next day it turns to a laugh. Lately he's been learning to make growling noises which confuses the dog who is already scared of him.
I guess I thought Eli would remain in that bundled up and cradled infant stage for a lot longer, but it seemed to pass in a matter of weeks, and now he sits up (with help) and rolls over (by himself) and glimpses of a distinct personality are beginning to emerge.
Today I finally found a few moments, while he's napping in his swing in front of me, to post some new photos to the Flickr page. We're starting to get outside a bit more these days. Eli loves his big polka-dotted play mat given to him by his Aunt Laura. We find the only shady spot, under a big tree on the farthest edge of the yard, to lie down and listen to the birds for awhile.
Now Eli is waking up. He just pulled his green blanket up over his face and is chewing on the tag and peering up at me. So we're off and running again...
Kierst, he is about 10 times cuter and more animated in person than in the photos, and I didn't know if that was possible :) I loved seeing you as a mom and only wish we could have visited longer! xoxo
I made this photo a favorite :) He looks so shocked!
he IS changing so much! The infant look is slowy giving way to a sweet little boy! Lets visit together soon.
That is the funniest and cutest picture of Eli yet! He has been cheering up my Mom post-surgery.
I love the blue hat pictures, too.
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