for various reasons, it has taken us eighteen months to schedule eli's baptism. we wanted to do it sooner, but it just finally happened this past weekend. we had a memorable time with family & friends. my mom and stepdad arrived on thursday, so my mom and i had lots of time to shop, cook, and visit. jeremy's brother josh flew in on sunday. to celebrate the day, my mom and i made a big spaghetti lunch with my italian great-grandmother's family recipe sauce. and of course there were cupcakes.
at church that evening, eli was in a...let's say spirited mood from all the sugar and attention of the afternoon, so he was extremely wiggly during the baptism. once the water was put on his head he stopped squirming long enough to say "wa-wa" and pointed at the bowl, desperately hoping to play in it. he looked sweet in his white linen outfit and we felt so proud to be his parents.
at home we took some photos and ate my mom's homemade pizza (it was an italian-themed day) and eli got to stay up extra late feeding uncle josh's pizza to the dog and hiding underneath the dining table.
There is nothing like a baby's baptism. I LOVE these photos.
in the family baptism pic it looks like eli is shouting, "i'm a covenant child.....WAHOO!!!!!!"
love the pics!
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